Winter Survival Game FAQ

What is Winter Survival? Winter Survival is a brutal survival game – you’ll die regularly whether it’s from freezing, hunger, thirst, or deadly predators that lurk in the shadows. You will test your skills, wits, and even your very

Input lag vs latency in gaming

A staggering 62% of gamers have experienced frustrating input lag while playing their favorite games, according to a recent study. But did you know that input lag is just one piece of the puzzle? The overall latency of your gaming and…

The Universim Game Manual

1.1 Game Setup This is the main menu. Here, you have multiple options to choose from, such as settingadjustments to Twitch Integrations.Click on the new game option to begin the story of your new nugget empire.The first thing you’ll

Lancer Tactics Release Date

Lancer Tactics video game is set to release in 2025. Lancer Tactics is a game that originated as a personal project for learning Godot and exploring the Lancer system and universe. It has evolved into a full-fledged game where players can